Please Note: The Spiral Ramp is being lime washed and The Library Hall is closed until February 7th due to renovation and change of exhibition.

Open today 10-18


The Library Hall
Included in entrance ticket


Exhibition  by architect and associate professor Jacob Sebastian Bang Jacob Sebastian Bang is an architect and associate professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, KADK, within the field of Artistic Research. With the exhibition “Rotunda”, he occupies the Round Tower’s Library Hall with a work of art consisting of several plaster circles of varying diameters and profiles, which appear at once both strange and familiar. Throughout the exhibition period, the circles are laid out in different urban and landscape formations, from the very strict and controlled grid to a more broken and free expression. “Rotunda” can be read in different ways: as a work in its own right or as a huge architectural model of a monumental utopian land art project, as large technical plants for the handling of the rising sea levels caused by global warming or as self-sufficient urban units with dwellings and every conceivable associated feature required to serve and sustain the many people that are migrating to cities and that cities cannot continue to absorb. Thus, “Rotunda” also refers to points in the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and may be included in the discussion of these.